August 10, 2022

Every April, OVC leads communities throughout the country in their annual observances of National Crime Victims’ Rights Week (NCVRW).
NCVRW offers us a chance to honor crime victims and survivors, recognize the professionals and volunteers who provide critical services to victims of crime, and raise awareness about crime victims’ rights and services.
OVC is excited to announce that the 2023 NCVRW will be commemorated April 23–29, 2023.
During the 2023 NCVRW, OVC plans to host a Candlelight Vigil and a second event that elevates victims’ voices and those of the many dedicated professionals and volunteers who advocate on their behalf.
However, OVC will not host a National Crime Victims’ Service Awards Ceremony in 2023. OVC will take the next year to consider enhancements to the legacy application system, review the nomination process and guidelines, and update award categories, as applicable. We know this pause may be unexpected, but we hope this time of reflection and change will only enrich all aspects of the nomination process and future award ceremonies.
Details for the 2023 NCVRW events are forthcoming. Sign up for OVC’s NCVRW Subscription List to receive those details when they are available and information about the release of the 2023 theme, artwork, and Resource Guide.