Paul DeMarco: Alabama’s so-called “Prison Reform” Has Created More Crime Victims in Our State

By Paul DeMarco Paul DeMarco: Alabama’s so-called “Prison Reform” Has Created More Crime Victims in Our State | The Trussville Tribune

There are consequences when lawmakers in Montgomery listen to progressive advocacy groups and not their constituents.

Two weeks ago, a violent felon was given 8 life sentences for the kidnapping and rape of two teenage girls in Autauga County in 2022.

He also has been charged with the unrelated murder of a woman in St. Clair County that is set for trial later this year.

What is tragic and infuriating is the felon was out on a mandatory release from an Alabama State Prison.

He had been in a corrections facility after his conviction on his fourth felony.

District Attorney CJ Robinson, who prosecuted the kidnapping and rapes, pointed out that the Alabama Legislature’s prison reform in 2016 failed the state and created these dangers to public safety.

He rightly argues that there has been a misrepresentation that those incarcerated in Alabama are in prison for low level drug offenses, when the reality is that there have been thousands released early, which includes those convicted of violent felonies.

With those released, we have seen a pattern continue of recidivism and repeat felons out on the street to revictimize more, such as this reprehensible crime here.

To make matters worse, there continue to be aggressive efforts to co-opt the parole board to release more and more violent prisoners who have not served their full sentences.

Alabama citizens need to talk to their state representatives and senators to ensure that when they return to session in 2025 they correct their mistakes in weakening the criminal justice system to avoid the type of horrific crimes that occurred in Prattville.

Public safety must be the number one priority for Alabama state legislators.

Paul DeMarco is a former member of the Alabama House of Representatives and Chairman of the Judiciary Committee. He can be found on X, formerly Twitter, at @Paul_DeMarco

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